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Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) 10mg x 60 Tablets


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Nolvadex Overview

Nolvadex is a SERM, or a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator that is commonly used as part of PCT, or Post Cycle Therapy when a steroid user finishes running a steroid cycle.

Nolvadex is one of two hugely popular drugs used as part of PCT, with the other being Clomid, Nolvadex is considered to be more powerful and more potent than Clomid.

Though as part of PCT, the two drugs are still often stacked together and used in conjunction with one another, Now, Nolvadex, or Nolva, as it is sometimes known, is classed as an Estrogen antagonist, This means that it is designed to negate the ill-effects associated with excess Estrogen within the body.

Despite this, however, it can also function as an estrogen agonist, So it may function in the same way as Estrogen does within the human body.

Nolvadex is the brand name for the drug, which is officially known as Tamoxifen Citrate.

Despite being used as a key ingredient in any PCT cycle, Nolva is also used for medicinal purposes as it has been used to treat some forms of breast cancer, It functions in this instance by stopping cancer in the breast from spreading, As it blocks the effects of estrogen within the breast tissue.

Just because Nolvadex is used as part of PCT, however, that does not mean that the drug itself is actually an anabolic steroid because it isn’t, Nolvadex is designed to help restore the body’s natural hormone levels after a steroid cycle, It helps to prevent side effects such as gynecomastia and testosterone suppression, and it could potentially help save lives.


Nolvadex, tamoxifen

PubChem CID: 2733525

Molecular Weight: 563.6

Synonyms: Tamoxifen Citrate

Nolvadex Benefits

  • Gyno or Gynecomastia

Gyno, or gynecomastia, is one of the most common side effects associated with anabolic steroid use, While Gyno is not considered to be particularly dangerous, It can have devastating consequences for a person’s self-confidence.

You see, gynecomastia is a condition caused by steroid use, which results in testosterone aromatizing into Estrogen, excess Estrogen in a male body promotes feminine characteristics such as the growth of breast tissue, That’s right, steroids can actually cause men to grow breasts.

In most cases, gyno simply results in men storing small lumps of fat on and around the nipples or experiencing puffy nipples, People try to claim that gyno can be reversed by simply losing fat and toning your pectoral muscles.

But that is not true, If you suffer from gyno as a result of steroid use, the only way to have it taken care of is to undergo surgery.

Rumour has it that in late 1998 and early 1999, Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Who was just coming into his prime in the WWE, actually had to undergo gynecomastia surgery, which many beliefs were down to steroid use?

The Rock, who used to wrestle in wrestling trunks, wrestled much of early 1999 in a black tracksuit, presumably to hide the scarring/bandages from his surgery, The Rock has verified in the past that he had surgery on his pecs, though he has stated that it was simply lipo.

Either way, if you experience gyno, surgery is the only way to get your chest back to normal.

  • Restore Hormone Levels

Arguably the main reason why people run PCT after a steroid cycle, however, is to enable them to restore hormone levels back to what they were before they started using steroids.

Steroids are synthetic versions of testosterone and basically behave in the same way as testosterone, the issue is that when you use steroids, your testosterone levels will be way, way higher than they would be normally, Even if you naturally had high testosterone levels in your body.

The body senses these elevated levels of testosterone and thinks that it is producing too much and that something is wrong, It therefore panics and shuts down all testosterone production in the testes, as a way of safeguarding itself from any future damage, This is fine when you’re using steroids because your testosterone levels will be so high, When you come off cycle, however, your testes are often still unable to produce any further testosterone.

Some men who fail to run PCT after a steroid cycle will be forced to see a doctor and receive testosterone replacement therapy for the rest of their lives, PCT works by restoring your hormone levels back to what they were at before you began using steroids.

  • Easy to Take

Nolvadex, although used during a steroid cycle, or at least, at the end of a steroid cycle, is actually much easier to take than most steroids, There are no painful injections to endure, you simply swallow the tablets orally as you would if you were taking a headache tablet or a vitamin supplement, Needless to say, there are far fewer risks associated with taking a tablet when compared with injecting your body with a sharp needle.

  • Stress-Reducing

After finishing a steroid cycle, cortisol levels in the body are often elevated, Cortisol is a stress hormone that causes us to feel stressed and agitated, it can suppress the immune system, can cause spots and blemishes, and can even leave you feeling depressed, Cortisol also naturally slows down the production of testosterone, Needless to say, cortisol in the body is generally not wanted, and this is where Nolvadex can help.

Nolvadex can help to prevent cortisol production and can, therefore, help to beat stress and to promote rest and relaxation.

Nolvadex Side Effects

  • Stomach Upset
  • Headache
  • Hot Flushes


Men: 10-20mg/Day

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