Superdrol 10mg X 100


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What is Superdrol?

Superdrol is the brand name for methasterone, an oral anabolic steroid that was first described in 1956 by Syntex; the same pharmaceutical company that formulated anadrol 50 and masteron.

Syntex were attempting to find an azo compound with anti-tumor properties (1).

Superdrol developed somewhat of a cult following due to its potent effects; able to build significant amounts of lean muscle, without any water retention, Superdrol was a fitting name for such a powerful over the counter product.

Matt Cahill, the owner of Designer Supplements, claimed the first batch of methasterone sold out within 15 minutes of being available online; selling 2,200 bottles in total.

Designer Supplements later agreed a licensing agreement with Anabolic Resources, allowing them to sell methasterone in return for a lump sum, plus royalties (totaling around $182,000).

However, in 2006 the FDA issued a warning, stating that Anabolic Resources‘ methasterone contained an unapproved steroid compound, being methasterone. Consequently its not selling in the market anymore.

Superdrol Benefits

There is some debate as to how effective Superdrol really is.

This is due to it being sold on the black market, where products are often counterfeited or diluted.

However, bodybuilders able to get real mesthasterone, often describe it as one of the most potent anabolic steroids on the market (alongside trenbolone).

Lean Muscle & Strength

Superdrol has the power to add 15-20lbs of lean muscle via a cycle, as well as enhancing strength to record levels.

Generally, bodybuilders won’t gain more than 20lbs on methasterone, because those who take it are already advanced steroid-users, who’ve used many compounds before.

Thus, making huge gains with a new steroid is unrealistic, as most muscle and strength gains are experienced during the first few steroid cycle(s).

However, due to superdrol’s sheer power, it is capable of taking a user’s gains to the next level (including advanced steroid-users).

Bodybuilders and powerlifters have suffered serious injuries when taking methasterone, due to strength levels increasing excessively in a short period of time. One user ripped his abdominal wall and developed a hernia whilst performing heavy tricep pushdowns on Superdrol; later needing emergency surgery.

Thus, it is possible to get too strong too fast on methasterone. Therefore, we encourage users to use caution and not lift as heavy as possible, reducing the likelihood of injury.

No Water Retention

Superdrol doesn’t aromatize and convert to estrogen, thus virtually all weight gain will be in the form of lean muscle.

Therefore, a lean physique can continue looking aesthetic and ripped; contrary to other bulking steroids which often compromise muscle definition (with extracellular fluid accumulating).

No Risk of Gyno

Superdrol does not cause high levels of estrogen or progesterone, thus gynecomastia is not an issue with this oral.

Huge Pumps

Superdrol is known for its incredible glycogen uptake inside the muscle cells, causing very full and pumped muscles. Pumps in the gym are likely to be intense, whilst a constant semi-pump is typically maintained outside of the gym.

Superdrol is arguably the most powerful steroid for pumps, which may be a downside to those susceptible of painful lower back pumps (when performing heavy deadlifts).

Superdrol Side Effects


Superdrol has a dramatic effect on HDL/LDL cholesterol levels, causing a sharp elevation in blood pressure via vasoconstriction.

Considering Superdrol  as one of the most harmful steroids for blood pressure, due to the following reasons:

Superdrol is an oral steroid – thus it stimulates hepatic lipase enzyme in the liver, causing great shifts in cholesterol.

Superdrol doesn’t convert to estrogen – Many bodybuilders view this as a positive because it means they won’t experience water retention or gyno. However, on the flip side, high estrogen has advantages in regards to controlling cholesterol (with higher levels combating hypertension).

Superdrol Liver Toxicity

The main issue with superdrol is liver toxicity, with it being a C-17 alpha alkylated steroid. Also Superdrol is methylated, thus the compound is effectively breaking down twice; which is like dropping a bomb on the liver.

Kevin Smith, ex-president of Anabolic Resources, admitted: “We stated getting calls of liver problems”.

One user, Jareem Gunter, experienced liver failure after just weeks of using Superdrol. Doctors warned that he would need a liver transplant or he would die.

In one study, a man developed jaundice from taking 2 tablets of Superdrol a day for 50 days (5), dosing Superdrol at 10mg per tablet, thus he been using 20mg per day for 50 days.

This is a a lengthy cycle for any toxic oral steroid. The most worrying factor about this man’s experience is that he didn’t have any pre-existing health problems before taking Superdrol.

Thus, if someone were to take Superdrol it would be wise to supplement with 500mg of TUDCA per day, throughout the cycle, offering maximum protection to the liver. However, avoiding Superdrol altogether would be the safest option.

Is it Androgenic?

methasterone has an androgenic rating of just 20, which is very low for such a potent muscle-builder. However, this score doesn’t translate in real life; with superdrol’s effects known to be very androgenic in practice.

Thus, male pattern baldness, prostate enlargement and acne are all possible interactions.

Women will almost certainly experience virilization effects should they choose to use Superdrol.

Testosterone Suppression

it has a powerful negative effect on the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis, effectively causing ASIH (anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism).

This essentially is the shutting down of natural testosterone levels, which will take several weeks, or more likely months, to recover back to normal levels.

An aggressive PCT, in an attempt to restore normal endogenous testosterone production back to previous levels.

Until testosterone levels bounce back, users should refrain from using any other steroids which will exacerbate this shutting down effect.

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