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Primobolan 10ml


Dosage: 100mg/ml

Size: 10ml


Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) Overview

Metenolone enanthate, or Methenolone enanthate, sold under the brand names Primobolan Depot and Nibal Injection, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used mainly in the treatment of anemia due to bone marrow failure. It is given by injection into muscle. Although it was widely used in the past, the drug has mostly been discontinued and hence is now mostly only available on the black market.  A related drug, metenolone acetate, is taken by mouth.

Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) Structure

primobolan , Metenolone enanthate , Methenolone enanthate

PubChem CID: 248271

Molecular Weight: 414.6

Synonyms: Primobolan Depot , Metenolone Enanthate , Methenolone Enanthate


Primobolan (Metenolone Enanthate) Cycle Benefits

Improved Cardio Performance

Primobolan is very popular for boosting cardio and overall athletic performance. Not only does it make light and medium intensity cardio workouts feel less-strenuous, but it also speeds up recovery after each of these training sessions.

Your everyday activities will also benefit hugely from the increase in energy, strength, and endurance.

Lean Muscle Growth and Preservation

Primobolan is not really the best option if you are looking for dramatic gains. That said, the drug can still be very helpful for a certain category of bodybuilders.

If you are looking for mild visible gains but without fluid or water retention, Primobolan may be ideal. These results fall somewhere between shredded and a bloated look. This is actually what many fitness enthusiasts try to achieve. It gives you gains that may appear natural when they are anything but. Perhaps that’s why the drug is so expensive.

Primobolan is also a decent choice for muscle preservation during cutting cycles. It’s actually better at preserving lean muscle mass than it is at building muscles. However, this means Primobolan is used alongside a different, more potent drug responsible for burning fat. The stacks increase the risks of side effects drastically.

Fat Loss

Primobolan also promotes the breakdown of fatty acids. It can help reduce adipose around your abdomen. It can also reduce fat around your muscles, allowing your gains to pop out.

Primo fat loss results are not very impressive either, and that’s why some users stack it with testosterone and other steroids.

Enhanced Mood & Confidence

Primobolan has a delightful effect on your mood and confidence. Many people using this steroid report mood enhancement and higher levels of confidence. This is helpful inside the gym and in the real world, where everything seems to be taking a toll on everyone’s mental health at the moment.

While the effect is subtle, it’s still a huge bonus for a performance enhancer. Mood enhancement can also come in handy when stacking the steroid with other drugs known for producing anxiety, mood swings, and depression.

Primobolan (Metenolone Enanthate) Side Effects

Although not as aggressive as Dianabol and Deca, Primo also poses its own side effects that can get very serious. For instance, Methenolone has a few androgenic side effects like acne, oily skin, and male pattern baldness.  It can also develop some cardiovascular issues, especially if you are already at risk. This means individuals that are genetically predisposed or have high cholesterol levels should avoid Primobolan.

Another side effect common with all anabolic steroids is endogenous testosterone suppression. The good news here is that the mild profile of Primo translates to reduced suppression if you are using the drug at low to medium dosages. Your testosterone production will still be affected but nowhere as terribly as it would with the other steroids. This means your PCT after taking Primo can be much shorter.

It’s worth noting that Methenolone does not aromatize, so estrogenic side effects like fluid retention and gynecomastia are very rare.

The mildness of Promobolan makes it a very enticing prospect for female athletes. While it is not the most androgenic steroid, Primo can still cause virilization in women. It can lead to facial hair growth, voice deepening, menstrual irregularities, and clitoral enlargement. The risks and severity are, however, very low, particularly to women following low dosages.


Men: 400-700mg/Weekly

Women: 200-350mg/Weekly

Buy Primobolan US Domestic

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